Call To Order
Roll Call
New Business:
1. Introduction of Panel Guest (Varies from month to month)
2. Why we organized 4 years ago
3. Welcome to our neighborhood committee
4. Transparency- Knowledge of Village Business (Village Hall, Schools & Library etc.)
5. Accountability- Who is in charge of what?
6. Accessibility- Feedback form Elected Officials
7. Responsibility- Elected Officials and Residents
8. Respect among residents- Verbal and Physical altercations
9. Engaging residents in Sauk Village- Sauk Talk etc.
10. Housing Commission - Who is watching squatters etc. & Abandoned homes
11. Neighborhood Watch Program - Public Safety Outcry
Questions & Answers 2 minutes for each person and each person can speak once per meeting
Comments - Final comment from the Chair
Upcoming Events: Watch for our new Facebook feedback page anyone can write on with maturity!
Note: We meet every 4th Monday of the month please share with your block and neighbors!
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